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More Actors With Tokio

In spring 2021, when I was first submerging into tokio, a colleague and friend mentioned I should ingest this article: Actors with Tokio by Alice Ryhl. And man, did I ingest it. To summarize, the article proposes an architectural style which relies on message passing (channels) and inherent parallelism (tasks) as well as concurrency (via async/.await) to neatly and safely structure applications dealing with I/O. But really, go read the article.

Load Bearing Oneliners In The Rust Standard Library

The Rust language tries to be as minimal as possible. Many crucial features and design decisions aren’t compiler magic, instead they live in core or other parts of the standard library. Here are some:

A Platform Agnostic Driver For Ebyte E32 Lora Modules

Radio communication is not easy, right? Well, unless it’s complexities are hidden from us. That’s why the nice people of Ebyte have built the E32 Modules. These modules allow for easy serial-based LoRa communication. Under the hood, they use the SX1278 modules which give us lots of power. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Rust driver for those easy to use modules?

How To Communicate Failure In Rust

Basics explained well in this blog post: Rust Error Handling.

A Platform Agnostic Driver For The Hc12 Serial Radio Module

If only a serial port could be used without having to deal with cables! The HC12 serial radio module enables just this super power. It connects to a normal serial port, sending and receiving data to/from another hc12 module.

A Platform Agnostic Driver For The Cd74hc4067

To read 16 analog values, one might use 16 pins with ADCs. But depending on the required update rates and the available pins, this might be impossible.

Fourier Transform Of Cosine Function

The Fourier transform maps a signal to its frequency spectrum, denoting exactly at which amplitude a given frequency appears in the signal. The underlying assumption is that any signal out there can be decomposed in to an infinite sum of trigonometric functions with varying amplitude, phase, and frequency. But what happens if one of the most basic functions, the cosine itself, is transformed?

Impulse Response And Transfer Function

Applying filters to signals is one of the most important applications of mathematics in signal processing. But with all the Fourier transforms, Convolutions, and various properties like causality, time-invariance, linearity… It can get confusing. In this post, I want to clarify the relationship between a filter, it’s impulse response and transfer function, and why applying a filter is the same as convoluting a transformed signal with an impulse response. Don’t worry, it will sound less intimidating in the end.

Statements And Expressions In Rust

In this post, we will explore how Rust distinguishes between expressions and statements. Even though this distinction seems very theoretical, it has wide-ranging implications on the Rust language and (in my opinion) is a beautiful detail of Rust.

How The Rust Compiler Prevents Mistakes

When learning about Rust for the first time, one is confronted with words like ‘double free’, ‘data race’, and ‘dangling pointer’. Without an understanding of these problems, the safety aspects of Rust are perhaps difficult to appreciate. However, Rust aims to appeal not only to systems programmers(where these kinds of problems are well-known), but developers from any background! It is perfectly fine to write high-level Rust code without knowing what a data race is (that is the freedom Rust grants) but understanding the underlying issue makes the compiler error messages more understandable.

Object Oriented Arduino Interrupts: Using C++ Friend Functions

Most Arduino users won’t ever need interrupts or even C++/OOP for that matter. But for writing a nice object-oriented library or advancing your programming skills, both are very interesting subjects. But they clash somewhat: an interrupt is basically a global function that takes no arguments (not even C++-this) and returns no value, either. It is not called by the main program like regular functions, but instead runs when it is triggered by an external signal, like a pin logic voltage level change. This idea has no place in an OOP (let alone functional!) world - what object does the function belong to? It is global and cannot see or modify anything but static data, and the fact that it does not take arguments makes it impossible to call this function with method syntax. If this is confusing, don’t worry: in C++, a function knows which object it belongs to by the implicit, invisible argument this. If it is still confusing, don’t worry - it doesn’t really matter. It just means that interrupts and OOP do not mix well.

Programming The Teensy 3.2 Using A Makefile

The Arduino toolchain is a good starting point. So many libraries, most of them fine quality, and the editor allows you to write incorrect C++ so you can have a simpler life…

Remote Control Vehicle Balance Controller

In this article, I want to present a PID-based multi-purpose balance controller that runs on the Teensy 3.2 board using Arduino libraries. It can control PWM-based actuators like servos or LEDs and electronic speed controllers driving brushless motors. This control is based on an external signal like the output from an RC receiver, and the output of an inertial measurement unit.

Nice Error Handling With Arduino Blinking Led Patterns

Errors (not human errors, but literally error conditions) can happen very quickly even in simple Arduino projects. For example, an external library might sometimes fail to load data from memory due to unreliable hardware (like with the MPU6050). In this case, if you have a serial connection, you might see the error description printed there. But what if you have no serial connection because you are using your board without having a computer connected?

Exploring The Precision Of Floating Point Numbers

In this blogpost, Fabien Sanglard explains how floating point numbers are generally displayed in modern computers (using the IEEE754 Norm). His alternative perspective using buckets and offsets is brilliant and explains a fact that may be overlooked when using the standard explanation: the accuracy of floating point numbers declines with a factor of 2 by each bucket! That is because the same ‘amount’ of numbers is dispersed in any bucket, but the size of the bucket doubles every time.

Vim Has No Keyboard Shortcuts

In this StackOverflow post, a question about the ‘Most productive Vim keyboard shortcut’ sparks a long discussion about Vim and productivity. In this answer, titled ‘Your problem with Vim is that you don’t grok vi.’ which is easily one of the most influential pieces of Vim documentation and intro material on the internet, user Jim Dennis takes the question apart and shows how Vim is not about shortcuts but about a language for manipulating text. If you read and understood this answer, you probably don’t need to read this post here, since it is just my personal take on the Vim philosophy.

Negating Minimum Representable Number In Twos Complement

Usually, we expect that negating a number yields a number which is of the same absolute value, but with a flipped sign. However, there is a curious behaviour in many programming languages where this property does not hold for one special case. You might have come across this if you (like me) tried to (mis)use a constant Integer.MIN_VALUE (or somesuch) to simulate something like negative infinity. For example, this could be useful in a min-max algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.

Initial Commit

This is a simple Jekyll-powered blog. I intend this blog to be a log of interesting things I come across while programming, studying math, or attempting to make hardware do things.